
Weekly Lunch and Learn 2/28

We are excited to invite you to a special Lunch and Learn event at the Utah State Capitol, where we ill discuss the key bills currently on the table for consideration by our House Representatives and State Senators. This is a fantastic opportunity to stay informed, engage with the legislative process, and understand how these bills align with the principles of limited government, economic freedom, and individual liberty – values that we at Americans for Prosperity hold dear.

February 28, 2025

12:30pm- 2:30pm

Weekly Lunch and Learn 2/19

“Lunch & Learn, On the Hill” with Americans for Prosperity!

✅Discuss critical legislation that impacts Utah families.

✅ Meet and speak directly with your elected officials.

✅ Learn how YOU can make a difference for freedom and prosperity in our state.

We will meet at the Utah State Capitol & gather at the Rotunda (Look for the person holding a green AFP sign). Afterwards, we’ll grab lunch together—our treat! Lunch location TBD

RSVP today and invite a friend! Together, we can make Utah even stronger.

Weekly Lunch and Learn 2/12

Heartfelt Lunch & Learn on the Hill this Valentines week with AFP-UT!  Special Valentines Week edition for you and our Representatives. We will help you to feel confident engaging in the legislative process! Wednesday February 12th from 10:30-12:30PM. Meet us at the base of the Grand Staircase in the State Capitol Building.

Talk to your Legislators and share your why. So many of you have stories that can be shared with legislators that can help make an impact! So come up and pass on a special message and have lunch with us!

Monthly Community Night 2/8

You’re Invited!

Americans for Prosperity- Monthly Community Night.

Pinning the Path to Prosperity Awards will be Presented.

Join us:

February 8, 2025


AFP Office

3130 W Maple Loop Dr.

Lehi, UT

We will have fun and a celebratory evening as we recognize the outstanding volunteers and activists who are shaping the future of Utah!

This will be the 2nd Saturday of every month. Mark your calendars!

We will have policy impact, community engagement and lots of hard work from our dedicated AFP members.

Weekly Lunch and Learn 2/5

Join us at the Utah State Capitol Building for an engaging Lunch and Learn. 

Learn about our Prosperity Elevated Agenda and get connected to your legislators.

February 5, 2025

10:30am- 1:00pm

Utah Capitol Building

350 State St. Salt Lake City

Weekly Lunch and Learn 1/29

“Lunch & Learn, On the Hill” with Americans for Prosperity!

✅Discuss critical legislation that impacts Utah families.

✅ Meet and speak directly with your elected officials.

✅ Learn how YOU can make a difference for freedom and prosperity in our state.

We will meet at the Utah State Capitol & gather at the Rotunda (Look for the person holding a green AFP sign). Afterwards, we’ll grab lunch together—our treat! Lunch location TBD

RSVP today and invite a friend! Together, we can make Utah even stronger.

2025 Legislative Session Capitol Kickoff 1/22

Come Join Us!! We will be at the Utah State Capitol doing a tour and getting familiar with the layout for the 7 week legislative session 2025. We need all of you – our grassroots army helps make the changes we need to see to advance freedom and liberty in Utah.

A Taste Of Policy. Pre-Legislative Session Dinner 1/10

Come enjoy a delicious meal while gaining a firsthand look at the bills and policies AFP-Utah will be championing in the upcoming 2025 Utah State Legislative Session. This exclusive event is tailored for Utahns who are passionate about promoting limited government, economic freedom, and individual liberty in our state.

April Utah Day of Action 4/25

Help us Reignite the American Dream this month as we contact voters across the country, talking to them about the issues we’re all facing – inflation, a worsening economy, and constant government overreach. Breakfast and lunch provided, so stop by anytime and help show what Utah is made of.

Utah Tax Relief Program Info Session 5/11

Join us for an informative evening with our guest speaker Burt Harvey. As the Division Manager at the Utah County Tax Administration Tax Auditors office. He will unveil programs available for Utah property tax relief. 

Discover how they work, eligibility and other valuable insights. This hour and a half event will include brunch and promises to equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate property tax relief effortlessly. Don’t miss out – reserve your seat today!

National Day of Action 10/28

Help us making a huge impact on the last Saturday of every month as we contact voters across the country, talking to them about the issues we’re all facing – inflation, a worsening economy, and constant government overreach. Breakfast and lunch provided, so stop by anytime and help show what Utah is made of.

Weekly Thursday Phone Bank 10/26

Join us every Thursday to reach out to voters across the country, talking about the most pressing issues facing our communities

Weekly Thursday Phone Bank 10/19

Join us every Thursday to reach out to voters across the country, talking about the most pressing issues facing our communities

Let’s Talk! Immigration

We’re lucky to be joined by AFP Immigration Policy Fellow Jordan Fischetti, and former Yuma, AZ Border Chief Chris Clem to discuss the crisis at our southern border and what we can do to fix it. Seating is limited and registration is required.

Weekly Thursday Phone Bank 10/12

Join us every Thursday to reach out to voters across the country, talking about the most pressing issues facing our communities

Monthly Family Movie Nigh

A fun filled evening in our theater room, complete with popcorn, drinks, and treats. Bring the family!

October Trumpeters Club

Join us for our monthly Trumpters public speaking club. This month we’ll hear from State Auditor John Dougall. Breakfast provided.

School Choice Festival

Join us for a fun filled evening, celebrating Utah’s school choice bill passed this year, and connecting with other supporters. Bring the family to this end of summer carnival.

Weekly Thursday Phone Bank

Join us every Thursday to reach out to voters across the country, talking about the most pressing issues facing our communities